I'm Zhuoyue (pronounced "Jwo-yweh"), a Ph.D. student in Engineering (Human-Computer Interaction) at Cambridge with full scholarships (Trinity-Henry Barlow & Cambridge Trust). I’m interested in spatial interactions (AR/VR/MR) that deepen connections between humans, the physical world, and digital experiences. I hold a Master's in Education from Harvard and an Honors Bachelor's in Computer Science (AI focus) from UToronto. I wear multiple hats - researcher, designer, engineer, educator, podcaster, and singer.
02/2025: I will be serving as Visa Co-Chair for the CHI '26 Organizing Committee.
11/2024: I'm open to internship/visiting opportunities zl536@cam.ac.uk
Full Papers

Fengyuan Zhu, Zhuoyue Lyu, Mauricio Sousa, Tovi Grossman. Touching The Droid: Understanding and Improving Touch Precision With Mobile Devices in Virtual Reality. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR ’22). [Paper]
Zhuoyue Lyu, Safinah Ali, Cynthia Breazeal. Introducing Variational Autoencoders to High School Students. The 12th AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI ’22). [Paper] [Website]
AAAI/ACM SIGAI New and Future AI Educator Award 🏆
Short Papers

Zhuoyue Lyu, Jackie Yang, Monica Lam, James Landay. HomeView: Automatically Building Smart Home Digital Twins With Augmented Reality Headsets. The 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '22 Posters). [Paper]